b'W ER E O N YO U R S I D E . A L L S I D E S . PROGRAMSE M P O W E R I N G Y O U N G A D U L T SFresh Check Day189 Fresh Check Days in 42 states plus the District of Columbia were held in 2019. 37,000 students participated in Fresh CheckDays across the country and received vital mental health andsuicide prevention messaging. We saw innovative implementationstrategies in new markets, including a Freshman Orientation rollout at University of Georgia. Fresh Check Day continues to produce consistent impact results from year to year, bolstering its reputation as a leading mental health program for colleges in the United States.4 Whats Next After several years of piloting and revisions, 4 Whats Next celebrated its official launch in January of 2019. 50 sites werelicensed in this inaugural year, resulting in an estimated collective impact of 8,000 middle and high school student participants. Partnerships with organizations like The Benny Fund and CT Department of Public Health allowed us to offer4 Whats Next at no cost to many targeted sites. The majority of survey respondents reported feeling more prepared to handle stress and distress and more prepared to reach out during times of stress and distress after participating in the program. Nine out of Ten43 college students across the country participated as Nine out of Ten Ambassadors in 2019, while we developed plans to transform the Nine out of Ten Ambassadors program into a student advisory committee to the Jordan Porco Foundation. The adapted model, debuting in the 2020-2021 academic year, will feature carefully selected students from colleges around the country to provide the student perspective to organizational campaigns and programmatic decision making.Jordan Porco Foundation 2019 Annual Report 11'